How to explain that ADHD is not laziness

So someone told you that you were lazy?

They said you should try harder?

Don’t believe a word of it! You have been trying harder than anyone – but swimming in treacle.

That red bit of your brain…..

When you try to focus – it’s activity gets less (in “normal” people activity increases)

Getting stuff done is hard, because the start button isn’t  working properly. It takes time for people to understand that you just cant start – it’s a difficult concept for people.

After we get the thought to do something – we need to PAUSE and WAIT.

But we can’t – we have to act impulsively and then get distracted

And if we do start – we can’t stop 

We perseverate – we can’t PAUSE or WAIT.

We keep going even if we aren’t getting anywhere

So nothing gets down.

So it’s the opposite of laziness – we are trying hard all the time.