How to live with ADHD

For Adults with ADHD: Some Tips For Getting Things Done

It’s not Attention deficit –

It’s Attention dysregulation

  • sometimes we focus on everything, at once and
  • sometimes on one thing only.

“Even if you aren’t perfect about consulting your schedule, having one is better than winging it from memory.”

Lists work better than…….

our brains…..

So try to start a list rather than keep it in our brain

We are Time blind – like Time Dyslexia

Time feels like a maze – we can’t start or stop.

It’s confusing

So many people use an Egg Timer

It’s a problem of Performance and Intention

Not skills and knowledge – we have that info.

  • I know how to do it
  • But I just can’t do it

It is a disorder of not knowing When to do it

And not knowing Where to do it

Our Brain has  the HOW TO do it

And our Brain knows WHAT to do – so we use a timer- and yes, it sounds silly but it works……

The Egg Timer

10 minutes of work and 3 minutes of rest (to recharge our Frontal Lobes)

That Red bit of Brain needs to STOP for a rest!

It needs 3 minutes to recharge. Then it can do another 10 minutes

We will always be at Peak Performance if we do this

If we learn to STOP inside our head, then we can learn to START