How to Treat ADHD

So ADHD is a Superpower – thats the first step in treatment. You begin to realise that you have a creative driving force.

Those ideas, those leftfield ideas, those Aha! experiences, the insights. That’s the upside. and you can be proud of you.

The side-effects of our Superpower are not always being able to turn those ideas into reality.

If you want to be able to do that then read on…..

The good news is also the bad news.

You may not like to hear this, but medication works, and works well. I’d go further and say it’s an essential part of managing ADHD.

Because it let’s us form the intention to change.

And it stops the anxiety and the panic, and the depression.

  • I prefer to prescribe low dose Lisdexamfetamine for the Limbic (Emotional) System
  • low dose Guanfacine for the Prefrontal Cortex – where we plan and motivate ourselves.
  • I do use atomoxetine and Concerta XL, but patients seem to respond really quickly with the other tablets.

Tablets alone are risky. Because the changes are so profound, that an ADHD Coach, or therapist is essential.

Those emotions that used to take over your body, become manageable, and you don’t have to spend all your effort controlling them

The meds give you a new pair of glasses – and it takes time to get used to the clarity.

And then getting used to what your new vision sees.  The garden might look a bit overgrown.

EMDR is really useful to target those beliefs and feelings about being told that you are lazy, unmotivated or”less than”.

It is a treatment for cPTSD and PTSD – where you are in complete control.

And You will be able to walk on that Motivation Bridge.

One side knowledge and skill, and the other side is actually completing tasks.

It will be scary at the beginning but with an ADHD Coach, you will be fine. You won’t be alone anymore