Will I get more done?

ADD brains like novelty, stimulation, interesting, and urgent tasks…

Yes – by doing tasks in 10minute bursts you will in fact do more. 

Because we have been used to doing long bursts of urgent work – we never plan and learn to manage our workload in sensible portions.

Same with eating

Same with relationships

Same with having fun

Same with feelings

So….Egg Timers!

The  calendar on my smartphone

with its reminder notifications and e-mails, is a lifesaver for me. Because it is on my phone, I am likely to have it with me at home, at work, or on the run.

Some people email themselves tasks.

Some people use a notebook – and only put two things in it every day.

Any more than two tasks and we get overwhelmed.

Keep your activities in one place

Sort clutter: into four piles:

  1. “keep,”
  2. “toss,”
  3. “donate,”
  4. and “age.”

Here’s a useful link about coping- I did not write this though:

11 ADHD Coping Mechanisms

Thos new ideas that ADHD people get instantly….wel try…..



Music and exercise!

Running: The smells, sounds, sun , and the beauty that surrounds me calm me immediately.

Listening to audio books 



Walking in nature